The month with built-in potential

Greetings on this inaugural month!

January is the month dressed with potential and every year I find myself grabbing a little more hope from its tender promise. It is also one of the busiest months; gathering, planning and paying taxes. It is all very exciting because Spring feels within our grasp (imagination helps).

I have so many wonderful workshops planned in 2022 and I hope you are inspired enough to try one or return if you have been away for a while. My mind is a never ending whirlwind of color and nothing makes me happier than to share this saturated world with you. I do the work so you don’t have to worry about the details.

This year I’m leading a lecture at the Minnesota Quilters Show on welcoming grace to our creative practice, in June followed by four different workshops. I also return to Shake Rag Alley in September and oh, my Fiber Arts Festival returns this April (event # 6 since 2017) in Baraboo, with workshops that are bound to delight in every skill set. I’m proud of that. We have better control over the things that we create (or as much control as is possible) than what the world around us, throws our way.

It feels good to begin the year with a major milestone project I gave myself last May; layers joined together by hand (pieced together using my Janome M7) to create a cyclical reminder of the power of things interconnected. It returns as a workshop in the Spring. I have a little work to complete on the binding and then it will be displayed at the shop. I always need projects that push me to work slow, as if I had all the time in the world. We shall see.

Making beautiful things that honor my journey and the women before me, is an honor I don’t take lightly.

May your journey this year give you hope and keep you in good health.



I love Art & Life and strive to live creatively and in harmony with the natural environment.